People who work in the HR services industry know what is meant when a job applicant is denied for being overqualified, but more often than not, it can leave the applicant confused as to what it means and why he or she would be denied a job, because of it.
When being classed as overqualified, it could mean one of several things.
You are Overpaid
When the experience that you have in an industry, is more than what is required for the particular job, it might lead to you being overpaid in the new position. Often a company will not have the budget to pay for your level of experience and would rather seek someone with less experiences and a smaller expected salary.
You are Over Skilled
The problem, from the employer’s point of view, with over skilled employees are that they often don’t find the job challenging enough and will likely get bored of it sooner rather than later. This boredom could lead to them looking for a new job, sooner than the employer might like.
The thinking process is that companies prefer hiring people who they think are likely to stay in the company for a number of years.
You are a Threat
If you’re better qualified for a certain job, chances are the interviewer might see you as a threat to their own job.
A great way to get over the problem of overqualified workers, is to hire an HR services company who will help you find the perfect match for any open position.