Do you feel intimidated by the recruitment process? Do you feel like its all smoke and mirrors with the staffing solutions offered at FHH Consultants in your arsenal, the process is a breeze. Here is a step by step break down of the specialised process we use to find the right person for your proposed job.
Step 1
Contact FHH Consultants via email on and provide a description of the position you intend to fill.
Step 2
Upon the arrival of your details, you will promptly be contacted by one of your expert consultants in order to arrange for a meeting. At this point we will work to identify a strategy by which to work.
Step 3
During this step your contract will be drawn up, tailored to meet your specific needs. This contract will address all the relevant aspects of the job such as timing and pricing structures.
Step number 4
This is the part where our recruitment consultants prove what they are made of and begin the hunt for ideal candidates. The CV’s of the individuals selected during this process will then be forwarded to your hiring managers.
Step number 5
At this point candidate interviews are conducted, offering you the opportunity to meet with your potential employee and determine whether or not they will be a good fit.
Step number 6
After selecting the candidate with which you would like to proceed the professionals at FHH consultants will work closely with both parties to finalise all the arrangement and iron out any existing kinks.
At FHH Consultants we specialise in all kinds of staffing solutions from top and middle management positions through to legal and travel. Let our many exclusive connections in the industry work for you and begin the process of landing your dream job.