Employment equity and BEE are two government acts that aim to combat unequal opportunity in the country. Though these two acts have the same goal, they have a few differences, such as their focus group. Read about Employment equity and BEE below and the differences between them:
Employment equity
Employment equity is an act that aims to create workspaces that do not discriminate people according to their race, gender or disability. This act promotes equal opportunity for people of these minority groups to enter the workspace and grow through the years. The only group that is not represented by the Employment equity act is white males that do not have disabilities. If a company does not comply with the legalities of the Employment equity act, they may be heavily penalised. Employment equity is a complex process that requires the employer to get involved and create a plan that ensures equal opportunity for all.
BEE is more specific than the Employment equity act. BEE is related to the economic participation of black people in South Africa. The term “black people”, with regard to the BEE act, is referring to those who are black, mixed race and Indian. This excludes white people, including those who have disabilities. However, being BEE compliant does not mean that businesses are not required to follow the Employment equity act. Companies that are non-compliant with the BEE act will lower their BEE level as they lose scorecard points. This is a negative aspect for business as they could lose support from suppliers and consumers.